Well, what can I say? - the weather recently, to put it politely has been shit! I've been out here and there a couple of times chasing bass and mackerel with lures when I've had free time and a small weather window has allowed it. The kids have been out for the first time in the new boat and managed around 100 mackerel between them in 40 minutes - that was carnage!...but on the plus side the bait freezer looks healthy!
Dave and I managed to fit in a couple of trips this month with the first dedicated to finding a good plaice. They were extremely hard work but after a lot of 'fishin ard' we managed one a piece.....and worth the effort they were too.Dave and Mike got out one evening after nearly a week of extreme weather and found a few bass on the bottom to 10lb, along with dozens of big eels on another night I couldn't make it!
Fortune had it though that I managed to get a sitter for the following night and the weather, although swinging east made it just about doable for another go. We fished the same mark, at the same state of tide but this time better prepared. You can guess how the rest of the night unfolded........not a single bass!! Plenty of eels and dogs but those bass were not having any of it. It may have been the wind, it may have been a slightly smaller tide...what ever it was, it felt like a kick in the nuts! The only consolation was a new species for me this year - a big 3 bearded rockling and another one of those double figure undulates that keep coming out:
I have my 'stag do' this weekend and my partner has her 'hen do' the weekend after (if you can call a weekend 4 days!) so the fishing is really going to suffer! I'd like to sneak a couple of trips in mid week but the weather really needs to play ball and fall on the right days.......I can see the beach rods coming out at this rate!
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