Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Saturday, 30 March 2013

Easter Rainbows at Lechlade

With the weather of late and these ridiculous sea temps I haven't been out fishing at all since the last post in February. We should be getting the first few bream around about now and when I look back at what we had at this time last year it shows you how much this cold weather has slowed things up. There are a few plaice about if you want to go and find them but most will still be pretty skinny and out of condition....we probably would have had a shot at them but with the weather the way it's been and the fact that my boat is on the drive for annual maintenance, they can wait....and fatten up!
This Easter weekend had us heading up to Gloucester for a family visit and with the promise of a day's fly fishing at Lechlade I had something to really look forward to. 
Pete and I arrived on the Saturday morning, purchased a 4 fish ticket each and set off towards the lake. We were fishing from the bank today as all the boats had been booked, infact there were quite a few people fishing from the bank too which was reassuring to see.
After a scout round Pete and I positioned ourselves a swim apart from one another....and I had to admit this looked a good spot to start from. Imagine my surprise then when on the third cast I hooked up....we'd been there less than 5 minutes and the first fish was on! These big old bruisers don't give up easily and after a good 5 minute scrap the first fish was in the net....this one went just over 7lb. 
20 minutes later I hooked another and this one went mental! It came to the net 4 or 5 times and just turned over and steamed off again. My arm and wrist was aching by the time it actually gave up the fight but once on the bank you could see why....a nice double weighed later at 10lb 5oz.

I followed this up an hour later with one of 9lb not to mention pulling out of two more fish half way through the fight before the action slowed to a stop. We took some time out for a hot soup and something to eat before getting back into it again but try as we might we couldn't get a fish to take......in fact I hadn't seen anyone with a fish on for a good hour or two. Reluctant to leave the spot but eager to explore I made the call to go for a wander. Leaving Pete to it, I picked up my rod and net and set off to do a lap of the lake.
Over the next hour I proceeded round the lake stopping for a dozen casts in likely looking areas without so much as a pull before finally arriving back to where I had started. On my arrival Pete was looking at bit flustered and after catching his breath announced that he had just landed his first fish!!....bloody good going that considering how quiet it had got! A personal best for Pete at 9lb.

With renewed enthusiasm and confidence restored I got back to it and was soon rewarded with number 4.

With my limit reached and the afternoon fast disappearing I set about helping Pete achieve his. After a couple of missed takes I hooked into another and passed the rod to Pete to enjoy the fight....another nice fish of 8lb came to the net. This was shortly followed by another around 7lb.
The last fish was hard won and he gave me another wrist breaking fight. At one point he was 3 swims away and going round a corner with me in hot pursuit threading the rod through branches and trees! We got him in the end though, another double of 10lb 6oz!

Limit reached and time to pack up...final score at 7 - 1 but I don't think Pete could care less. He nailed a PB when all hope was lost!
Before fetching a wheel barrow to take the fish up to the weighing station we thought we would get a shot of the days haul - picture courtesy of a friendly angler after my lucky fly!!.....if you're reading, hope you nailed a couple and cheers for the picture!


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