Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Sunday, 7 July 2013

Jake Wants In....

Seeing the fish we had on the last trip and adding to the fact that he adores eating them, Jake wanted in on a quick go at a plaice.
We decided on a narrow window at the prime state of tide to ensure we found a few fish and kept a smile on Jake's face. We went with real worm too this time to see how one fared against the other.
We were pretty much in to fish from the off and it didn't take long for Jake to start pulling them out on his ultra light rod. After weeding his way through the smaller ones, eventually he bent into one that was able to strip line from the reel as it tried to dive back down to the bottom. Played like a professional and looking cool in his aviators......a good plaice for an 8 year old at just shy of 4lb! 

Dave and I had our fair share of fish too and as far as bait goes - there wasn't alot in it between the real thing and an artificial but I do think the better ones prefer a nice big ragworm or 3!

Job done and Jake was grinning like a Cheshire cat - the force is strong in that one!

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