Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Friday, 5 July 2013

Plaice Fishing - Without Bait!

Yes that's right - heading out for a go at the plaice without a ragworm on the boat might seem a bit foolish but having seen what these isomes are capable of we were at least confident!
Light line, 7g LRF rods and large isomes on a dropshot rig was the only way to go. The plan - get a good'n and have the fight of your life!
We set up for the first drift, a little sceptic but confident it should work and after tapping the bottom Dave announced in a very surprised voice that he had a bite going. As he lifted into a fish, so did I! Double hook up in under a minute!!


OK, we know it works - time to fish hard and find a good one! Sure enough next fish up is just that. How about one of 5lb 6oz LRF'in......and what a fight!

We couldn't put a foot wrong and landed fish after fish!

Only a matter of time until another specimen was hooked - mental fight from another just under 5lb!

Well, we had plenty of fish before the tide started to get too much to fish effectively so we had to find something else to do until it eased off again!
We feathered up a few mackerel and put the hook in for a go at a bass - fishing was pretty slow under that huge hot sun but Dave winkled out the first one around 4lb.

Next up I hooked into something big and angry that made pretty short work of a 40lb trace - suspect eel or bullhuss. Shortly after though I connected with something completely different - has to be a personal best 3 bearded rockling at 1lb 8oz!. Lovely looking fish too.

After a slow hour and a lost battle between Dave and a large eel, we decide to up anchor and go and throw a few lures around before having another go at the plaice at the end of the tide.
The light rods came out again, this time isomes replaced with Fiiish black minnows...love these lures - just not the price! Still, it held together well after getting nailed by the bass. We had 6 altogether, most around 2lb with one nudging 4. Again, unbelievable fights on the light gear!

As the tide started to ease back the sun started to drop and we knew we would have to get our skates on if we wanted to have another quick go at the plaice - would have been rude not to really!

Think we can put that one down as a good day!

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