Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Solent Sole - Part 2

Second shot at the sole this evening, this time equipped with a 3rd angler and galley wench all rolled into one! Laura was up for a bit of sole searching and had come equipped with a lucky hat, apple wood smoked bacon, buns and coffee! It wasn't until we all agreed it was bacon roll time mid way through the session when the shocking reality set in - Dave had left the stove in his van....surely he was joking but no...... he really did FFS !!
The active fishing sort of made up for it even if the weather didn't. Laura was in to a fish straight away with the rod bent double and taking line. Not a clue what this was until a big silver eel surfaced behind the boat. Sole trace destroyed and a fresh one back out she was in again....this fish was even bigger and had the characteristic fight of a huge sole! Eventually it was teased to the boat on the light gear and gave itself away as a spotted ray.....the last thing I was expecting to see in shallow water on a small worm bait!

Pout, small smoothound pups and schoolies followed before the first sole came to the boat. Now this one did feel like a better fish and one that called for the use of the net!

 Dave then followed up with a couple of better ones while Laura battled it out with the pout!

With an extra pair of hands on the boat this evening to work the camera we couldn't waste the opportunity of a 'his & hers' shot!

We added another couple of small slips before the heavens opened and the rain came down. With nothing to eat and the prospect of a soaking we beat a hasty retreat back to dry land.
Sole fishing well and truly nailed, what's next? Well we're now in October and from now until early next year it's got to be all out for the cod!

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