Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Saturday, 8 December 2012

That's Better!

A short 3-4 hour trip today to hopefully right a few wrongs from the past couple of trips! 
It made a change to set out without needing to chisel the ice of the windscreen this morning. A few degrees above freezing makes things a hell of a lot easier - the tractor behaved itself and the evinrude fired on the button. We were afloat in no time at all and zipping out through a bit of a lumpy swell.
The whiting were out in force today ripping the baits to shreds in seconds. The only consolation being that most of them were between 2 and 3lb and in prime condition. 
When they got a chance, a couple of cod did find the baits - first one around 8lb to Dave....

Shortly followed by one just into double figures to me for a change...about bloody time!

Slack tide came and the whiting went into over drive.....really nice fish but destroying the baits and out numbering the cod! We gave it ten minutes then had a move out for the last hour and first of the flood to get away from the bait robbers.
We moved and they were still there but not in quite so many numbers....this gave cod number three a chance to get hold of the bait. This one fought very well and looked bigger than the 16lb it weighed. A fish in prime condition that we both called a '20' and more importantly on the right rod ;-)

Half an hour later and we had to be back in. A short trip that's cheered me up no end.

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