Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Tuesday, 18 December 2012

The Trip Before Christmas

T'was the trip before Christmas with two boats in the bay, the darkness drew in and night grew from day.
Hoping and waiting for those suspect nods, Mike Olly & I..... and Dave with five rods!
We found four, Mike and Olly had five - 9 between 2, the sea was alive.
The cod around us were out on the hunt, but they all fell to Dave the jammy sly ****!
Mike did Olly to the tune of four - one...still a good night though and we all had some fun!
Just to save myself from total whoop-ass, I managed a fish in the shape of a bass.

Ok enough of the rhymes!....it was a cold but productive night with a hell of a lot of dogfish about. A big swell was running too which gave both Dave and I a soaking as we took a wave over the bow whilst launching. First cod up could have been a whiting....smallest one of the year!

Next up slightly better....around 8lb.

Then a bar of silver for a change. A chunky fish at 5lb 10oz.

Then another one of those cod that looked a lot bigger than it actually was. This one just over 16lb.

Lastly another smaller plump fish....

Definitely the last trip before Christmas but with a bit of luck we'll get one or two more in before 2013.

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