Diary of Catch Reports

The aim of this blog is to give an insight into the fishing available on and around the Isle of Wight for both visiting and resident anglers alike.
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Sunday, 11 August 2013

Patience Pays Off

Sat at home feeling restless, I picked up the tide table and gave it a quick scan (as you do) then looked up at Jake sat staring at the telly;
.........."what Dad" - still staring at the telly.
"You wana do something"
.........."Like what" - still staring away.
"You want to go and catch a mullet with me in half an hour" ?
..........Head whips round, full attention " Yeahhhhh" 
"Go and get your shoes on then"!

So off we went, armed with a few slices of bread, an ultra light outfit and a net....simples!
We timed it just right and after patiently sitting quietly got a couple of fish to start taking bread before we introduced a piece with a hook in it. This would be a one chance approach - spook them and that will be that - no pressure Jake!
As it happened it turned out he didn't need a second chance and hooked the first one that sucked in the bread. The drag went screaming off, I left him to it for the next 5 minutes while he played give and take with the fish nervously grinning from ear to ear! I stood by with the net praying it would stay on for him and I think we were both relieved when it finally gave up and came to the net!
After a quick couple of photos we let her rest in the net before she swam off strongly, I love it when a plan comes together!

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